Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool?

Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool?

Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? What is it about Buddhism, that to some in the west appears to be so cool?  Why is Buddhism so appealing to people in Western culture? Then there are the celebrity endorsements that first began with the Beatles, and then others mimicked them, but soon fell away as did the Beatles themselves except for George Harrison who ran hot and cold, and today Orlando Bloom, Richard Gere and Tina Turner and others, claim it as their current faith or philosophy of life.  But what is it about this philosophy of rebirths, iconography, of smiling Buddhas and temples, of orange clad monks, temples and chants, which has seen it accepted by many persons in Western culture?To understand Buddhism’s appeal, let’s quickly overview the main tenants of Buddhism, which include the four noble truths and the noble eightfold path. The Four Noble Truths are, (1) The Noble Truth of Suffering (2) The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering (3) The Noble Truth of Cessation of Suffering (4) The Noble Truth of the Way leading to the Cessation of Suffering:

 Buddhism begins with the reality of suffering, and reveals the cause of suffering, which all stems from our ego,  as our ego strives to win, strives for pleasure, strives for comfort, strives to be accepted etc. Buddhism teaches that suffering can end for you, when you transcend your ego.  

Then there is the Noble Eightfold Path with emphasis on  (1) Right View. (2) Right intention. (3) Right Speech. (4) Right Action. (5) Right Livelihood. (6) Right Effort (7) Right Concentration. (8) Right mindfulness.

 In Buddhism, you develop your mind and study the sutras, the teachings, etc. You change yourself. Filling you mind with right thoughts, saying the right words, doing the right things, applying yourself to right pursuits. In Buddhism, you rely on yourself, and if there is salvation you earn it yourself.  Which leads to the obvious question, is there salvation in Buddhism?

Buddhism does not entertains a salvation of sorts. Buddhism asserts the belief in the rebirth doctrine, sometimes referred to as reincarnation or metem-psychosis.  This teaches that rebirth does not necessarily take place as another human being, but as an existence into one of the six realms of rebirth including the heavenly, or the Asura which is the lowest form of demigod.  Beings there, are described as having three heads, three faces and four or six arms.

 Then there is the rebirth as a human, or as an animal, or as a ghost or you can be reborn into Naraka, which means you become a resident of hell.   However, at the same time there is a centuries long dispute, still raging among Buddhists today, over the teaching of Atman, which describes a reality where there is no self, where there is no other self-conscious existence, and that at death one simply merges with the universe.  

Therefore, to summarize these conflicting teachings, on the one hand Buddhism teaches an infinite and cyclical cosmos of rebirths, (SLOWLY) but at the same time teaches when you die you merge into nothingness a part of the universe.  On first glance, Buddhism may appear attractive, techniques to change your thoughts your attitudes etc., but a closer investigation reveals something more sinister, something demonic with its emphasis on rebirths or reincarnation, or you may cease to exist, or (PAUSE) you may be reborn as an animal or as a three headed, three faced Asura, but if you have lived a questionable life and karma has its way, then you could very well become a resident in hell.   So is Buddhism really that cool?  (Big Pause) Think about this – there can only be one truth about the really important questions of God and life and death. 

  There can only be one truth about death, not a multiplicity of truths, there can only be one truth about God, either He exists or He doesn’t exist.  There can only be one truth about our existence, either we have this one life and that is all, or we are part of an endless cycle of reincarnations, there cannot be multiple truths on the subject of God, life and death. Furthermore, did you realize that all of the very best elements found in Buddhism about living in this world are also found in Christianity?   Every teaching regarding our duty to our fellow man, showing care and compassion to those around us, changing your thoughts and attitudes, being good stewards of the environment, being spiritually aware, are all found in Biblical Christianity.  So I ask again, is Buddhism really that cool?  Did you also know, that all the very best elements of the afterlife found in Christianity are missing in Buddhism, did you also realize that mercy is missing at death in Buddhism, but it is there in Christianity.   Did you realize the hell fire fate in the Buddhist teaching of Naraka, where a rebirth finds a person spending eternity in the abode of hell, is not found in the Bible. That pagan teaching of hell is not taught in God’s word.  On top of these things, Buddhism teaches that if there is any future happy life, then you have to earn it yourself, there is no help for you.    The Bible does not teach anything of a sort, but rather emphasizes the meritorious work of Jesus Christ for all mankind, that as we co-operate with the Holy Spirit, not only are we changed in life, and can have joyful fruitful happy lives, but God makes possible, (SLOWLY) what would otherwise be impossible for us, the gift of eternal life.   

Personally, I don’t believe you have to dig too far into the teachings of Buddhism, to unearth its shallowness, and unsatisfactory explanations for life’s purpose, the life to come and the existence of God.  And it is for that reason I want to give you an easy to read book called the Path to Peace – Finding Hope in a troubled world, this little book deals with a range of topics that will enhance your spiritual awareness and strength as you navigate your way through life, and it is absolutely free.  

Today, I am going to make two suggestions, go to YouTube, type in my name Pastor Rod Anderson and you will find other videos, which will increase your understanding of the Bible. And second, I want you to have a Free 27 part series of Bible Study guides, called the Orchard Faith of Jesus Series, which will see you come to grips with the most important teachings found in the Bible in a very short time. And all you have to do to receive them is send me an email with your Name, postal address and phone number to [email protected], or go to our website theorchardmelbourne.org.au, then go to the tab marked “contact us” follow the prompts,  and we will mail them out to you, plus instructions for the free Home Bible Tutor Video Series, which will compliment your understanding of the Bible and there is absolutely no charge.  Our time has run out for now, but I look forward to being with you next time.  Remember the truth has nothing to fear from investigation, I’m Rod Anderson goodbye for now.



 Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool? Unchained Is Buddhism really so cool?

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