Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA


Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA

For more videos from Rod Anderson’s Unchained Series go to https://theorchardmelbourne.org.au/

Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA  We often hear evolutionists when attempting to prove our relationship to more primitive life forms, as referring to parts of the human anatomy as obsolete.They claim that this is evidence that we have evolved from more primitive mammals and they site various organs within the human cavity such as the appendix, or tonsils as proof of that.  Their argument being that these and other body parts are simply antediluvian relics of our mammalian ancestry.

They claim this is reinforced by the number of tonsillectomies and appendectomies that so many young children are forced to endure, with no visible side effects.

Commencing with the tonsils, far from being unneeded, medical science in recent years has discovered that each tonsil consists of a network of crypts (pits) that store cells used to fight infection. The tonsils contain B cells, a type of white blood cell that fights infections.

They also produce antibodies against polio, streptococcal pneumonia, influenza, and numerous other infections. By the way antibodies are proteins that help the body identify and attack harmful invaders. So in fact instead of being obsolete, our tonsils are our first effective means of defense against disease and sickness.

Let’s turn our attention to the appendix, the appendix is a tube-shaped sac that’s attached to the large intestine. It exists in humans and a small number of other mammals, including the koala and apes. In medical terms, it’s referred to as ‘vermiform appendix’ for its thin, worm-like shape. As I said earlier the appendix has been dismissed as a lingering souvenir of our evolutionary past. According to Duke University in the United States, the appendix far from being useless, produces beneficial probiotic colonies in the digestive system. According to researchers, the human digestive system is full of bacteria necessary to digest food.

 When attacked from diseases, sometimes these important kinds of bacteria are purged or killed off. In such situations, the appendix can act as a reserve for good bacteria. After the immune system beats off the disease, the bacteria emerge and re-colonize the gut.

 Further to that the appendix plays a vital function in the development of the immune system. According to research, lymphoid tissue accumulates in the appendix after birth.In turn, the appendix helps in the maturation of B lymphocytes and the production of antibodies. What’s more, the appendix produces specific molecules that aid in the movement of lymphocytes to various locations within the body.

 Based on current evidence, proposals have been made to suggest the appendix serves as a “reservoir” for beneficial gut flora. When illness reduces good bacteria from the intestines, the appendix may store some of that good bacteria for back up. While the research is still a little bare, the conclusion is clear–the appendix is important for health.   After all God knows what we need to keep our system protected, and science is now learning how important the tonsils and appendix are too.

Over the last 50 years, micro biologists have been able to code the human genome, thus unravelling some of the mysteries surrounding the self-replicating double helix.

But there are still questions which need answers, mysteries that scientists have not been able to unravel, for example DNA which they have not been able to determine a purpose for.  As a result evolutionists seized the opportunity while the science was still in its infancy, happily declaring that this was more evidence of our coming from simpler life forms, and labelled the mystery DNA as junk DNA, the left overs from the so called Precambrian age.

 Richard Dawkins atheist biologist, crowned by Britain’s Prospect magazine as the world’s greatest living thinker, has showed great enthusiasm in presenting junk DNA as strong scientific evidence to support his pet religion. However in the last ten years, it has been clearly shown that about 98% of our DNA does not code for proteins. In September 2012 the ENCODE Project published evidence that most DNA is functional.  And I quote “Although many specific functions remain elusive, it is abundantly clear that non-protein-coding DNA is at least as important as protein-coding DNA in making an organism.”

 There is a suppressed story in public discussions of evolution. In popular media and school textbooks, we’re told that Darwin’s theory — random variation, natural selection, unguided churning, reflecting no purpose or design, no author standing behind the origin or history of life, and evolution summarizes everything you need to know about how complex creatures developed.

But that is absolutely false, and the reality is that as true science forges forward, those with a bias to evolution and a world without God continue to peddle the same old lies.

 Which leads me to ask a very important question, is evolution becoming anachronistic, out dated, a theory that belonged to the scientific world, when science was in its infancy? When micro biology was developing, and wending its way from the sixteenth century. It is understandable that some may HAVE believed that evolution could be a plausible explanation.

But today with the amazing advances in microbiology and peering into the microscopic world of the human cell watching the mitochondria in action, the double helix replicating and other amazing wonders within the human genome. The overwhelming and compounding evidence for Intelligent Design cannot be challenged by anyone who is intellectually honest. To maintain an eighteenth century scientific world view in the twenty first century still peddling no design, random selection, and relentless mutations, defies logic and reason, AND truly meets the definition of anachronistic.

Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA 
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA 
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA 
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA 
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA 
Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA Unchained Evolutions Junk DNA

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