Does God care?  Does God really care about you or me?  In this universe, the limits of which go beyond the sight of the most powerful telescopes, can God the Eternal Self Existing One really have an interest in my situation or in your situation?  Which by contrast is, in anyway you care to measure it,  insignificant compared to the issues, the perils, our world and the universe finds itself in now?

In answer to this I want to begin by stating the obvious.  We demonstrate our care and affection to those around us by making ourselves known to those very same people.  By doing things which we know will please, encourage and be of value to them.

God is the same, in fact all of our acts of affection, spontaneous  demonstrations of care and even love come from God.  He is the source of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17).  Our more nobler actions, emotions and thoughts all have their origin in God, and likewise God makes Himself known to us, by those thing which please, encourage and are of value to us.

We see it and experience it in creation, both the physical and the natural world, we recognize God’s care for us  by the promptings and leadings of the Holy Spirit as He moves upon our consciences.  Yet it is in His Word the Bible, we have God’s prime method of most fully communicating His love and care for us as revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ.

If you have any doubts of God’s love and care for you read the gospels, for within the pages of Holy Writ you see how Jesus treated the outcasts of society, the worst of sinners, the marginalized offering them hope, purpose and a place within His kingdom.  For in “every doctrine of grace, every promise of joy, every deed of love and every Divine attraction presented in the Savior’s life while on earth” (Desire of Ages p.24)  is a demonstration that God cares for us.

Pastor Rod Anderson

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The Orchard
Seventh-day Adventist Church Melbourne

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